Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
A trip to Copenhagen...
1st Day scrap throwie...
The HUGE Copenhagen gallery. I really was astonished by that place and the local graffiti skills. At the first day as we walked around the gallery, we didn't have any cans yet. But is was still possible to pick up a scrap-can from here and a cap from there to make a throwup. They even had beercases laying around so you could make a higher piece if it was needed. So we made a piece there the next day as well. When I went there 2 days later unfortunately our piece was destroyed by some crap. Also the half of the murals were already covered by new murals by that time. I guess that's how it is there. Strange for me aldough, because our pieces can last even 10 years here. But still there are some writers, who will just not get burned. 10-15 writers were enjoying the sunday by painting large-scale pieces. We even stumbled across Bates, who is one of my big favourite writers in the world. Unfortunately we couldn't chat with him, because he left earlier as he finished his piece. The Zonenkinder Collective were still working on their part of the mural, and they told me that the guy who walked pass us was Bates. You can see their mural HERE...
Running inside the dead trains...Featuring a piece from TomCat19. Damn how I like his rugged style! The guys from MOAS were also not sleeping, as was my prediction..
The trains are still really clean inside with curtains and spotless seat covers. A good place to hang around and drink some beers. There were no homeless people at all inside these cars. That was a surprise for me...
And the 3 small throwies in Christiania. The biggest surprise for me while being there. If you want to know more about the place then look it up the net..
It was a good trip and definetly worth to check out more than 1 time..
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Time to smash...
1.)Lanamassive (Hiphop set)
2.)Looptroop Rockers (Warm up with Genka & Metsakutsu)
1.)"Lanamassive" jätkab oma kultuurilisi eksperimenteerimisi. Peol, mis on pühendatud uue plaadi "Spekter" esitlusele, astuvad üles kohalikud elektroonika ja hiphopi kunnid. Samuti parimad tänavakunstnikud esitlevad oma töid, mis muudavad halli argipäeva värvikirevamaks. Kõigest sellest võib osa saada 6. mail Mustpeade Majas.
Suur saal
Photoindustries meets GORÕ LANA plaadi "Spekter" esitlus
5LOOPS ( http://www.myspace.com/5lo
ops )
Gonza ( funk/hip-hop )
Sim Kares ( hip-hop )
Robert Kähr
Anton Must
Creep / paranoid society ( drunkgrooves )
Väike saal
kienra + dragan volta live ( future freakout soul )
nra )
Quarah & Desertion (Future Hip Hop)
on )
VXN ( electronica/hiphop )
Oma panuse annavad ka eesti räpparid Genka ja Metsakutsu
Reedel, 27. mail esineb Rock Cafes üks Euroopa tuntumaid hiphop grupeeringuid Looptroop Rockers. Rootsi gruppi, mis loodi 90ndate alguses, kuuluvad räpparid Promoe, Supreme ja CosM.I.C ning produtsent/DJ Embee. CosM.I.C'u tagasitulekuga bändi on LTR taas täies hiilguses, tuues kuulajani värskeid riime ja võimsaid biite.
Märtsi teisel nädalal nägi ilmavalgust nende viies album Professional Dreamers. Album, mida on nimetatud nende parimaks, on pühendatud kõigile, kes elavad oma unistuste nimel. Armastuse ja pühendumusega hip-hop kultuuri ja muusika vastu on LTR liikmed loonud endale unistuse, mille nimel nad on elanud ja töötanud kogu oma karjääri vältel.
So as long as we breathe we’ll still strive
Cus it’s the dream that’s keeping us alive
Pilet: 15 €
Piiratud arv pileteid saadaval Piletilevi müügikohtades ja Statoili teenindusjaamades.
Vanusepiirang 18a.
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